Monday, February 4, 2013

Camping in Texas

Hi Everyone! This past weekend we took the kids on their first camping trip. Some dear friends of ours, the Prado Family, invited us to their ranch near Navasota, Texas to go camping in their property. Saturday afternoon we loaded up my uncle Alf's SUV and the five of us, along with his two youngest kids (Maria, 11, and Pablo, 9) headed an hour north of Houston to Navasota.

As soon as we arrived, the kids were in heaven. Lots of wide open space, the peace-filled countryside, cows, horses, a cat and a dog. Fede and Alf set up the tents near a creek as we hung out at the Prado's home and fed the cows and a horse. The kids were literally tickled pink by the cows' long, wet tongues and Antonio was brave enough to let the horse munch the grains straight from his hand.

Pictured here are the kids with the Prado's youngest member of the family, Barbara, who's 16. She was sweet enough to take us to feed the cows and the horse.

After seeing the animals, we drove to the camping grounds and started our fire with the help of the kids...

Here we are getting our dinner ready: charro beans, "chori-pan" sandwiches, hotdogs, corn on the cob, and smores.

After dinner one of the Prados, named Andy, took the three kids individually on horseback and they were absolutely thrilled..

The kids were so happy eating smores after dinner and sitting around the campfire. It is noteworthy to mention the spectacular star-filled sky that we were privleged to see.... it's something that you can only see outside of the city, on a crisp winter night. Then followed a very chilly night (upper 30's) and the sound of coyotes and the Prado's beagle took off after them!

Daybreak brought with it beautiful tones of pink and orange, and the wonderful sight of Alfredo reviving the smoldering campfire with new twings. After enduring a night of cold, to warm near the fire brought to our minds that the small pleasures in life are truly magical.

After we packed everything up, we were treated to a delicious breakfast at the Prado's home of scrambled eggs and ham with Venezuelan arepas filled with cheese. Then it was time to hit the road back to Houston.

Hoping everyone is well,
The Martinez Family