Monday, September 19, 2011

New York City

We arrived in Houston on August 30th and on September 4th Martha left for New York City for the annual convention of Internationa Delegates of the Univeristy of Navarra. Fede manned the ship (and crew) at the home of Martha's parents in an admirable manner.

Meanwhile, Martha had a great time in NYC. From Navarra came the International Admissions group and from around the world came the Delegates, particularly the Americas. This group, which is more like a family, is a joy to be around. It rained quite a bit in NY but it was still good to visit, as long as it's a brief stay! On the last day of the 5 day trip she went to visit her sister Ana in New Jersey. That was by far the icing on the cake. Below is Ana and Diego's 4th child, Belen, who is almost 1 yr old and an absolute doll!!!!

The second in line is Mariana, below, and Felipe or "Pepe" is the beautiful little boy (Le Petit Prince) at the bottom right. I only missed seeing Lucia, the eldest, because she was at school. Really, I could only stay until 1:30pm because I had to catch the train back to NY to make in on the evening flight to Houston. It was so worth it!

Being with Ana is a joy for which words have still not been invented. Knowing that this would be the last time in a while that we would be together we tried to maximize it for all it's worth. Thank you Ana!!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous family! So many smiles in all your photos, Tita, I love looking at your blog!
